BJJ BELTCHECKER | Practitioner database & community based belt verification for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
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How do I activate my academy's profile?

Requirements to claim an academy profile are:

- A fully verified profile
- Minimum three members of your academy that are fully verified, minimum rank of blue belt and confirmed as your students*

To claim your academy profile, click the academy name on your own profile follow instructions.

*) For your students to add you as a coach, they must go to "Edit profile" -> "Coaches, students & academies"

How do I add students and coaches to my academy profile?

After you've activated your academy profile, go to "Manage academy" to approve members and coaches of it.

Can I manage multiple academy profiles?

Yes. While you can only be a member of one academy, there is no limit to how many you can be coach and administrator of.

Members of our academy have spelled our academy differently

Just ask them to change the name of the academy in their profiles so that it's spelled in the same way. Then you'll automatically all be registered under the correct academy.

How do I change the name of our academy?

Please contact us on [email protected]

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